Saturday, April 2, 2011


This our first trip to the beach together.
Getting in touch with the nature truly detoxifies.


Instead of getting a cottage and hire someone to cook for us, we decided to make things more challenging. We looked for a place where not most of the people would go.
Set up a tent against the hard wind, built a fire and cooked our food using charcoal, papers and twigs.

I call it George. -it think it looks like George Washington in side view. 


Jo's first time to set up a bon fire.

First time tenting.

Red Riding Hood vibe.

We don't know what this place is but nonetheless we had so much fun!

-zo & jo


  1. Is'nt it fun when you landed in the middle of nowhere yet you have no idea where you're at???good thing it is'nt as wild as one of the camp sites on the summit of Oregon's hilltop that we stopped to camp bec we needed a place to stay w/ the baby...(we're the only camper at that time)last month, the news said that buffalos were scaring campers in that same place!..good thing the rancher took care of them could have been so scary!

  2. it is!!!! i don't think am gonna do camping along the shores. the wind was blowing the sand and it was a hard time fixing the tent plus the food!!! you have to be very careful to cover it or else you'll end up eating scrambled eggs with sand! ha ha ha ha
    Buffaloes! that's really scary! those are really wild animals.
