Saturday, August 6, 2011

Triple Treat

July 02, 2011.

It was one unplanned weekend. I got nothing to do when Pam called me up to hang out with her. As a result we had a fun-filled Saturday.

Out first stop.
Max's Restaurant.

During that time they had a "Chicken-All-You-Can" promo. It was really in demand that we had to make reservations just to take advantage of that promo.
We had so much fun chit chatting that we even missed our turn. So we have to wait for another table to finish.

We ate so much chicken, I just had 1/4 cup of rice.
I ate a total of 5 chicken thigh. It's like one whole piece of chicken! ! !

The White Flag -we surrender!

Pam and Yaz

Second stop.
Transformers 3 in 3D.

We watched the last full show.
It was jam packed.
Another long queue waiting.

Sour Cream and Cheese

Glenn, Me, Pam and Yaz.

And our third stop.
The Distillery.
Well it's a Saturday, again, we have to wait for us to get a table.

Located at Eastwood Citwalk, E. Rodriguez Ave, Q.C.

Up to the Skyy!


Me & Pam

Me and Abz

All the waiting we had was worth it.
We had so much fun.

On our way home, we found this guy wasted -asleep at the side of the road.

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